Live streaming and recording data- GDPR notice
- Our live streaming feature is for tourism, weather and advertising purpose only
- No images or video files of the live feed are recorded or stored
- Penny Garth Ltd. and are the rightful copyright holders of any live streaming camera images from our camera and no reproduction and copying is permitted. All copyright breaches will be reported.
- A separate system records CCTV images inside and outside 24/7 for the protection of our property, staff and customers.
- CCTV recordings are not and will not be made available to the public. All footage are securely stored for up to 10 days unless requested otherwise by Police or other relevant authorities.
- Penny Garth Ltd. is registered and regulated by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)
- Card details from in person payments are not stored or in any form accessible to us or our staff.
- For GDPR information regards online ordering and payments please click here.
- For privacy information regards our chat feature please click here.